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SSPI Northeast - Satellite Professions International

SSPI Women In Space Engagement

A global network supporting those who identify as women in space and satellite, and their allies.

SSPI-WISE is a group that welcomes all women members from the space & satellite industry. We meet once per month, usually on Zoom, to discuss goals, plan new events and, of course, have fun!  


Recent Media

Satellites as Infrastructure

It’s an exciting time to be a part of the space and satellite industry. Launches are happening every day from New Zealand to Florida. The ground systems are going virtual. We have software-defined satellite. And all of these changes are coming together to impact the way satellites interact with infrastructure. As an industry, we are now in a place where we are augmenting and sometimes even supplanting terrestrial infrastructure.

At the April 2024 SSPI-WISE meeting, we explored this topic in-depth with a panel of five women experts.


Watch more past SSPI-WISE events on-demand


SSPI is fortunate to have the talented Elisabeth Tweedie pen a blog on our behalf. Check out the blog here!

2023-2024 Board

Chairwoman: Debra Facktor, AIRBUS U.S. Space and Defense, Inc.

President: Jomya Lei, Rocket Lab

Vice President: Vinitha Lalvani, AvL Technologies,

Secretary: Alix Wright, Speedcast

Working Group Chairs:

  • Elevating Women: Divya-Kala Bhavani, Dhruva Space, Toni Lee Rudnicki, TLR Consulting LLC
  • Mentoring Chair:  Wendy Newman, Strategic Voice, Silvia Borges, Hispasat, Andrea Maleter
  • Social Media: Vinitha Lalvani, AvL Technologies, Rosario Toxqui, Comtech, Elisabeth Tweedie, Definitive Direction, Helen Weedon, Radical Moves
  • STEM Outreach: Justyna Kosianka, Ursa Space Systems,  Audrey Puderbaugh, Iridium, Heidi Ann White, Universite de Montreal
  • Sustainment & Infrastructure: Jennifer Hoil, ST Engineering iDirect, Melissa Orlick, Intellian Technologies, Manal Tadros, Boeing


SSPI-WISE welcomes your support!  If you'd like to donate to SSPI-WISE, click here:

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